Friday, February 18, 2005


its 2nd period again and there are like 4 ppl in class today so yeah we can do whatever and of course i am multitaskign i am diong stocks and blogging and astrology and this acess thingie i have to do.

Ok so i come in and i am like to the teacher" do i look awake?" she is like "you dont look awake but you dont look like your ready to go to sleep" adn then this 10th grader he is like " you know you look really pale" then i as like" i like look ing pale that is good" then he was like " you look abnmormaily pale" then i was like "oh owell and laughed."

so do i look abnormaily pale????
i mean yeah, i am abnormily happy yes but that is b/c of other things.

anyways i am so excited i couldnt sleep liast night b/c i was thinking about Jason and our date tonight and everything. Like how sweet/congenial/ and awesome he is. he is so perfect. so anyways b/c i didnt sleep i am running on puire caffine today and the rest of the night b/c if i dont i will like boom die and just fall asleep. I have already had 36 oz of coffee/caffine and two doughnuts one that was coch with glaze icing adn one that was a cinn. one with glaze icing. that was like $3 so i have $2 for lunch hmm... another 16oz of coffee and a bottle of water that should do it. besides i am not really that hungry anyways.

i can't wait til debate i totally love that class and i love debating i want to post someof my debates on here oc course i know noone will read them gfully but owell i jsut want to do it becuase i can adn i love to type and i am fast at it so ya for me. i ams listening to a mixed cd and its cool i like it i think i will introduce Jason to this cd he might like he he might not im not sure yet he will like some of the songs on it but not all of them... anyways it has the song by POM the she fucking hates me one and last Friday when i was at Bean Adam adn Steph came in b/c ui asked them to and Adam,Steph,Tom, Jeff and I were all singing that song and i dont think Jason knew the words so yeah im goign to make him listen to the song haha...sorry hun! ;)

I was walking into the new bathrooms downin the bastment and i hit my head off of this light( it looked like a flood light) n e way so it must have been pretty low for me to hit my head off of it was really fun though b/c i am so short but with the heels i am never without i am like 5'5 or somthign so yeah that kinda sucks for the girls that go into that bathroom. so there was a light randomly dangling in the bathroom that i happen to not see yeah shows how observant i am in the morning. No i am not blaming it ont the coffee b/c i should though i had already had 16 oz by the but owell.

I am so bored! tht is why this is such a long entry i want it to be after school no i want it to be like 6:01 lol! I love band it was so fun haha wow i keep reminising about that hahha ok yeah....

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala i NEED to figure out what i want to do with my pathetic so called life! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala i am so bored. lalalalalalalalala hmmmmm......i am such a loser!!!lalalalalalala *insert words* dannanananananana hah dadadnnnnnananananana lalalalalalalala Walk liek an...EGYPTION...... dnanananananana bom boom boom somthing somthing somthing.

I need amusment really bad ther is noone in this calss i nkow so yeah the internet is my best friends at the moment.

ok back to the pathetic life thing i need to figure out what i am goign to do college, tour around a little, wait can't do that have to keep goign to school so i can sta on my parents insuracne and not pay for it myslef b/c yeah i dont work even though i have liek the best job in the world and can make my own hours... i need to sit donw with someone who actually works and have them help me with a plan to houw many hours a week/day/ when times etc so i can make money instead of saing "daddy i need $$ for shopping/movies/ etc" i hate asking my parents for money its so annoying but i havnt done that in a long time at least not for alot of money. anyways i jsut payed my dad back like 52.50 for a mag subscription and 3 books. yay for me i have like $5 left in coins for my Casey trip to Japan. ANY ONE WANT TO COME it will be in the summer drop me a line.

shit bell rang bbl


Blogger 0r4cl3 said...

You are going to die from coffee overdose!! And then after you die, your body will still twitch from all the blood in your caffeine stream! omg, but it does make your blog funny to

2/18/2005 11:09:00 AM  

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