Thursday, March 24, 2005
I had a realization today, as i was sitting in H/R doing my scheduale for next year it hit me. I am tring to boggle myself so far down in work and school next year, Like i am tring to run away but since i can't run i engulf myself in work and school. Nxt year i think i will have two jobs one that i have had for 6 years and then working secretarial and teching at sylvan, then when i turn 18 i am def working at VS that is a def. the PNC bank offered me a job as well but when i told them i wasnt 18 and still in h/ sthey were like come back when your 18 you will have a job. I know i am setting myself up fo ra failure by taking on so many jobs and school classes. im not going to have a lunch that is a definaate. im taking 3- 4 honors courses (so it can weight down on my GPA and class rank) and def 3 AP classe. Total 24 college credits adn a computer certification. I think scratch that know i am also doing this 35% to make the year go fast, 25% b/c i need weighted grades to boost the GPA and rank b/c i am finally gettings eriouse about school go figure better late then never right?? and 5% b/c i need something to amuse me and i cant do the same thing every day, and 60% so i wont have time to notice and think that jason is gone and that i am no longer near him. did i mention i dont have a lunch and the only reason i am taking a study hall is b./c my mom made me so i can at elast get a "d" in spanish II and pass that stupid class. Why cant i just clep out of the language for Russian i can speak that spanish is giong to suck. if i didnt have to take a s/h then i would take hons great books disscusion with Fusiler. but that isnt going to wrk so...yeah faliure here i come. at least i can get stephs notes adn stuff from some of the classes.
awe babe! don't kill yourself in your senior year! at least leave the option to drop some of your classes. You need lunch!! Eating is important...!! babe!!
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