Wednesday, May 25, 2005
ok so only in Trinity this happens i come to school, there is a hole bunch of cops adn there fun little cars like seriousely there was about 5-6 cars and like 10 cops it was sweet. so i find out that the cafinteria has been robed of all its lunch or breakfast for us....who the hell would rob THE CAFITERIA of all places in this school????? HELLO rob the chem lab for the explosive things like that fun metal that looks like aluminum foil but when you lite it it really blows up and creates a cool greenish blue anywyas either that is a really stupid person or that was a kick ass prank for the seniors. anywho so im passing the cafiteria and there are these fun people with latex gloves i was like sweet there looking for prints. idiots they probably didnt wear gloves hahah apeople are so stupid when it comes to this stuff... anyways that was that back to the fire thing so last year my ex got me some of that stuff and i burnt a hole in my little book of poems it made it look really cool i';ll show it to whoever wants to see it was neat, but then again i lmost caousght the piano on fire since i was in the piano room (small room like 6x5 or somehting) it was sweet one little strip like an inch long is all you need its so freaking sweet. ok anywyas yeah cafiteria food for us i hope that we all get to go home sinc ether is no food. hahaha and i was actually goign to get somethign for breakfast besides my coffee and choc. thing. owell, i guess no food for me today. *snaps fingers* drat. i know what i am doing for my senior prank adn that will land us out of school for 3 days b/c it will take that long at least to clear everything out hahaha well i will do it if i am still here anyways....... Chip yes this is a new pic sorry cant really respond to comments b/c of the school webmaster but i can get onto this adn emails go figure hmmm stupid man who thinks girl have no comp knowlege. haha dont you love that just b/c im a girl everyone thinks im stupid or unknowlegeabel i jsut dont show it. lovely world we live in eh? Long weekend this week. yay no school monday. i wish i could have flown out to see jason. i have more work from aunt b finaly. ben is still working on the app. thing he didnt see her last night so i will get it when he sees the mangaer chick. im bored. really bored. SOMEONE AMUSE ME SOMEHOW PLEASE!!!! so on my lj thank god for Kristin. ok anywas i went down to the guidence office when i got to school and was like can you have ms watson call me donw today. so hopefully Ms. watson will call me down. i have never talked to her. she is a social worker waht ever that is if anyone knows excatly what a social worker does tell me everything you know abotu it and what they do and etc all info welcome everything.... so anywas i will go down alone maybe Kait will come with me maybe i will see Kristin down there i dont know......i want to talk to her but i keep putting it off for some reason. blah whtever. i will probably put another 1 or 2 entries in today bell rang later
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