Saturday, November 12, 2005

I want to be a trophy wife!

Casey is coming home sometime around the 1st of December. since there tour ends in Japan the 27th of Nov. i am going to see if mom adn dad will let me go up to visit her sometime for maybe a weekedn or something in December before she goes on her London tour in January. this is her tour scheduale... this is for my own benifit if i dont have it done somwhere then i will forget it and stuff.
Oct 13-Nov 27 finish the Japan tour she is back in Tokyo for the 2nd time this year.
Jan. 5-29 she is in London GB
July 14-Aug 20 Amsterdam NL
Aug 31-Sep 28 Brussels BE
then Milan and Rome but i dont have the dates for that yet.

Anyways im doing alright im still alive lol. I went to see Saw II yesterday it was a great movie i want to mee the director and writter holy crap it was good!! I want to rent Saw I now. i hope that they come ou twith a Saw III. They need to its amazing~! I have mainly figured out some things in my life. Well kinda. I am realizing things and i am coming into reality. i still need to find mysefl but that is waht a vacation is for. Depending on what Casey says i mightbe spending some time in Amsterdam with her in July since i will be out of school then. Maybe if can convince my mom to let me get out of school for a few days take a short trip to London. All i would need is spending money for stuff if i eat out. My room accomidations and 3 meals a day will be provided by Cirque. I am still puttin ghtat into a possibility. I dont know there really isnt anywere else i could go all my family lives either in Pa or Oh. and the ones who live in Ca i dont know. But i do know that i do want to travel somwere and get out of Pa for a little while so that is what the summer will be for. I am waiting to tell some people some things when i see them face to face so i can explain better and my reasoningand whatever. this includes Casey and Jason. both for diffrent things but somewhat similar. I need to give Cydnee a call and see what she is up to. I am realzing that my parents wont be around forever to take care of me wich is sacary. i dont like the idea of me having to live alone by myself with noone to fall back on if i get in trouble or if i am in need of help. that is one of the downsides of being an only child. you dont have anyone. It isnt about growing up and going off on my own i can do that. i have grown up more then most people know. its jsut knowing that i wont have that security of family once they are gone. I like that security of having someone there for me. I am use to it. Even if i move away i still have them in some way. But if something would happen and that security is stopped my world croumbles and falls apart. I know people who have had heard lives and have been kicke out and have had to live on there own adn everything by themselfs and i dont want to have to do that i dont really think i can handle being alone bymyself haveing so much responsability and not have any support. I need that support. i was raised with support and i dont deal well without it like i cant handel it, like if i would ever slip up for somreason adn have noone to catch me or get sick adn noone to take care of me i will be screwed. so that jsut crossed my mind jsut now out of the blue.

i work tomarrow in the morning. yay. im hostesing so that is alright not to bad lol. well i need to finish my room and work on the business.


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