Thursday, April 27, 2006

OK so MAYBE i am goign to break. im sick of people shit. (So is Zack) Look im going to make this VERY clear. If you have a problem with me dating a man 6 years my senior then that is fine, voice it for all i care. Im not going to listen until i get hurt then i'll crawl back like usual adn everything will be norm. Until that day comes get off it. I am a very happy person adn i def. DONT need a guy to be happy. i never have. im not using him as an "escape" i do well with that on my own. As for people who dont even KNOW me then shut up. im sorry for being rude but seriosuely u dont know me. hush. k? and if you dont a big FUCK YOU. u have us both thinking happy?? but BEALEVE your not breaking us. Shit like this makes people stronger, how u think im still alive assholes?? I dont know who you are or waht you have against, Zack, or I as individuals or Him and I as a whole but drop it. If you are a pissy Ex, im hotter, im better, im a princess, im his and hes mine get use to that idea b.c its the truth, u dont phase me. If you are an angry friend i dont know you and you dont kno wme go away, He is happy, you want your firend to be happy right?? if you dont then your a shit friend adn u suck as a human. If you are my firend im a happy muther-fucker, little frusterated right now but stillhappy. i take in what you have to say i think. i do. im still with him so leave it. Anyone else who has a problem FUCK OFF we dont care. so stop your drama, that is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You need to do things for you and no one else, that includes your boyfriend, friends, etc. You number one focus needs to be yourself. If you don't do that first the rest will never matter.

5/03/2006 11:28:00 PM  

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