Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Damn i cant even get laid if i want to...ok so apparently i will be like "super virgin" for the rest of my life. owell i'll get use to it. anyways on a less odd note, today was weird. idk i have been in a weird mood all today. I was talking to Jason erlier today and he had fun at a Massive Attack concert! that would have been neat to go to! What i was thinking was one of his life goals is but it isnt theone he is talking about (thank god! sorry. i thought i was seriosuely cut out of that loop) i actaully dont even think i was close to what it is, which i still dont know but all in time. I am enjoing my novel that i am reading in AP Eng. slaughter house 5, its good so far. I am getting ready for summer. I cant wait until school ends. I really wont miss High school how can i miss something that tourmented me so much? How could i miss the people i hate? how could i miss all the horrible lies,rumors, and remarks? If you miss something that has tourmented you since you entered then that is fucked up. I will never miss high school i reall wont. YEAH i will miss the very few people that knew me and were my freinds but other then that i would never miss or even go back to that hell that i have lived for so long. no. there isnt enough money in the world. But i have come out and i am a survivor in all sence of the world, granted i still struggle with certin "issues" but taht is nothing. Honestly has no comparasine to the last 6 years. What i have been put though adn what i have fought. Everything, jsut noone should go through this yet it is life and people have been though worse and come out of top, and for those people i give you so much props and support u in every way shape and form. So much pain yet there so strong, i have so much admieration and respect for you.

I am goign to a 3 Doors Down adn Lenerd Skinnard (sp?) concert in sometime in July. that should be intresting seeing as it is my first concert ever. I REALLY want to go dancing BAD. SO if anyone knows clubs in the PGH or WV area that are 18 adn over let me know!!!
I am going to take Natalie and she is 28, we both want to go dancing and hence forth the above. I would like to go to the club in Denver tho eveer sicne i have heard abotu it, now im obsessed with it it lookes fantastic inside form the pics and what i have heard. so yeah totaly want to go there when i go out to Denver this summer.hmm whatelse New GM for Denny's Kim she is cool. um yeah i got nothing, i went to a kick ass resturant Natalie took me to a little while ago Kaya in PGH it was fabulouse its my fav! def have to check it out!! click the Kaya banner. Its my fav resturant now. yeah! ok well bells abotu to ring so im out!


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