Sunday, August 21, 2005

i am alive and well i use myspace more then blogger now since more people read mysapce, still use LJ need to keep using LJ but blogger i will continue to update just myspace more often. Chazi offered me a job so i took it. But thanks to denny's and my other job i might not be able to do it....damn school so i am gion to have to let him know...maybe i can work something out with him. hopefully b/c he offered it to me and i was pshyched im still phsyched but i just cant do that with school adn dennys and everything so maybe hopefully it will work out and i can still work for him i would love it dream come true finally lol. bue hey who knows prey and wish me luck that something workes out that i can work there still. im not goi nto the CC fair (crawford County fair) like i usually do b/c i have to work and yeah that is the reson...damn owell i am clearing well over 600 a month and when i end training i will be clearing well over a few K a month. Nice college savings. anyways i have been looking at colleges and what not i visited philly for the AIPH Art institute of philly loved it want to move there not goi nto happen though. just visited mercyhurst love it maybe possibly still have to visit York (not goin there only assoc deg.) and IUP whoo no college debt i come out schot free yep if i like the campus def goin there.well im out later

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

cell....3 person

i dropped my cell in the bean toliet. lost all contacts. so im slowly getting my contacts back together all 76 of them. i have about 40 so 36 more to go. well um i have a new phone yay. i am going to the movies tonight with steph and her date tony. i didnt get my paycheck today it wasnt dp'd i hate that. so i have to get it tomarrow when i am donw with work. Eric is taking steph and I to south hills mall tomarrow after im donw with work and were all goign to hang out. this 3rd personthing is goin to get annoying. at least i am getting out, might not be having fun but i am getting out. i want to leave get out of this town. i should have let my parents send me to boarding school when they threatened it last year.
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