Monday, October 31, 2005

so intresting points for today not to many i am afraid. i got my SAT's back. i went up in them. im not happy with them but hey, im not perfect so what can you do. i did my best and they still Suck. my mom is getting on me about it and she siad somethin to me along the lines of i dont even kno wif you wan get into IUP. well Fuck IUP i dont want to go there i would rather dig my eyeball out with a spork and no painkiller. here are my old scores versies my new. no clue how i managed thw whole lowering of my essay score but whatever its over, i cant take it again. no time.

Critical Reading-460

10/05 *new scores*
Critical Reading-470

Now I have to do addmissions and stuff. get rejected get in and be done. im pissed off at myself. my dad made a commetn about how im not going to get into college and i will live in a trailer. well i guess it is better then his comment about living undera bridge and being a prostitute. whatever. they arnt encurageing so screw them. there is no more damage i can do anyhow so they can lay the hell off.

the other fun things that happened to me well my heart did this weird thing, that was intresting. lets hope it dosnt happen again. i handed out candy to children, so cute. i saw dayn (kimbers b/f) and he was laike your not T&Ting i said no and he said that i would be if they were handing out coffee it was funny. other then that nothing happened.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

7th pd.

i got my pay check today not htat high. Shit. i have one coming form my other job but that isnt high either. She is leavingfor 10 days so i can work for a hwile and get ah igh one in about 12 days. Shit.Shit shit shit, crap. I dont know if i am going to go to bean. I probably will jsut b.c i want to but hmph. owell. i have all the money i will need for the matter but still it jsut irks me that i though i was getting more hours then actually came thorugh. thats all. everything is still kosher in that land. I am sitting here typing and eatting a choc chip m&m cookie. i want to finish it but i dont want to finish it. this is a dilehma, i think i will save it for tomarrow. Yeha i will do that. ok done with that. i need to call and see when i work, b.c the managers didnt psot hte schedual up when i worked last so i have no clue but i knwo that i am off tonight. but whatever im done with that. i can make more money with my other job and then have one for when christmas comes aorundso there that is my plan adn that will work. it usually works. im going to gym next adn will try to do like 3 miles but prob only get to 2.5 since we are on a diff bell schedual then norm. i think i will also run the whole plane thing by dad this evening as well. depending on how his day went i need to do it soon b.c i need an awnser soon. like real soon. i hate it when there are like i have to think about it, as k me later, its not the right time, ect some excuse to waste time. its what i do everyday in the library find an excuse to waste time. I am almost done withthe book i am reading. that is good. i have read it twice now. im outlining this time. i think i will go buy it when i get a chance. These are really long updates adbout nothing really just amusing myslef for a few periods. I'm trying really hard not to email jason or text him or anything since he is dealing with the mess of things at his work. this sucks i cant resist temptation gah owell this is will power yeah ha....well hopefully it will last. tomarrow i'll let you know if i did or didnt.
ok so i am going to go to bean tongiht i think. i am also goign to try keywork TRY to jog 3 miles today since i ended yesterday at 2 in an activity pd. which is like today. maybe on a reg. bell schedual i could do a 3 mile thing. i dont know. I am getting bored with classes. i only have a few but whatever i spend all day reading. um let see... i have good grades in all of my classes. i hinted at the plane thing with my mom and she didsnt really give a responce i think they think thatif they dont respond then it will go away no it wont it will only continue. i was talking to ben last night and i think that the whole me fling down with him thing wont work, b/c i wont be able to get picked up until like 3 hourse from the time that i arrive which would be fine but it be boring. no comp no nothing but a phone. Sooo i found a streight through flight that is less adn it would work i would get there in the evening and leave in the evening and then go to school the next day that dosnt bug my b./c i dont sleep alot anyways anymore. i jsut need to ask them my mom is non giving any nothion either way all i got from her is "thisis not the itme to as" that was last night so i will go to my dad. its like she dosnt want me to go. well that sucks for her. maybe i can still go with dad. i mean if i actually sit down adn tlak and prove my point that i have wich are good, then maybe he will let me i just dont see why not maybe i will never know what they think who knows. Parents are so fickle. it annoys me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

first day of winter....time to call the ghost busters!

OMG OMG someone call the ghost busters! its snowing and all hell has broken lose. I repeat madness in washpa. the parkway is dead, not moving. i dont understand why everyone has to slow down when driving there isnt even like an inch hello. gah,. well one ironic thing happened i got a jones and the cap said "drive slower" hmmm....who knows anywas i thought that it was funny. i am sittin in the shcool library like usual and i smell soup like some funky soup bad chicken noodle soup or soemthign along that line. ewwww. its making me want food and i dont have cash to get food. damn school needs to put an ATM in. grr. now im hungry crap. owell it will pass.

let see i have to go to open house adn do some stuff for ptsa. so my parents will go around to my 2 classes that i have and chill in the cafe. for 4 pds. until the next 2. sounds like fun. meanwhile i will be tring to get rid of the "trinityoploy" games. waht fun. i emailed my mom from school, about my college essay that i am goin to work with ms. miller on. that prob. wasnt a good move but owell. whatever. i am goin to ask them if i can fly down hopefully tonight i have the perfect flight. i will not be alone in an airport until i board the plan for denver i will spend the time on the plan with Ben and i will be in layover with him. then we will be together on the flight home and layover home so that will be awesome,. or i can jsut get a steright through flight that iwill decide when i tlak to jason fi and when they parents say yes. ths is goign to suck if they dont i will be the "littl bitch of an only child" that i can be and dont show often so there you have it its immature and i dont care. but it usualy works to get my way. yeah when and if i have kids they are goi to pull and i will laugh. then promptly give in hahaha im such a dork. i didnt sleep at all last night people kept calling me. that didnt bug me but calling everyhour same person kinda did. i am in highscool. i need sleep i dont sleep enough as it is. call me once leave a message if i get ti and want to respond i will if not i will callyou tomarrow. ok so jason i am calling you tongiht freaking pick up, please. thank you.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I jsut spent 20 min. putting on ONE thing for my job. ONE. wow. that means i will get 2 MAYBE 3 on in an hour. they come in like ranges from 3-70 in a packet. Holy crap. Now i have some time to do them finally iwth me not working so much at denny's. I am seriousel debating weather ot not to go to bean tonight. stay home and work or go to bean for a little while? i dont know. i have to work tomarrow at 9 inthe morning. so i get up at 8ish. hmmm....i think i will jsut stay home and wokr. I mean i will be going to bean tomarrow as well for school so.... that will be good. ok so new plans stay home work some on the business and clean my room.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

so i am bored adn in the library again. I will be here from 10:54 to 1:02 i am also getting another study hall in the morning 2nd pd. that is 8:42-9:22 so yeah go me. All my grades should be A's lol so my class rank and my class number should shoot up there in notime. im bored as i mentioned adn i cant getinto lj or myspace. i need to ask this *person* how *they* got into myspace so i can at least update and play with that. hmmm now where to find them...until then i just have this and email to play with owell. that should amuse me for soem time. i mean i have the internet but i have nothing to lok up its always the same things. Need new stuff to look up give me soem ideas.....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

mmmmm...coffeee, it makes the world go 'round.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Senior Skip Day #1

So its senior skip day today and gues what i am not at school, yeah its a suprise i know wwot woot for me! i am taking my mom out to lunch today around 1 ish i think we are goin to Fridays i havnt been there in a while so i wanted to go. i want to see damino that comes out tomarrow so i think i will do that. i am also goin to call Steph *not Stephers* and see if she wants to do something. ok well i feel like writting on myspace today so get the rest on myspace lol. sorry if anyone else reads this besides Jason. to be continued on a dif sit....

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

long time no update....

ok so i am in the library adn i am bored out of my mind. its only 5th period adn i still haev two more study halls to go. crap. oi only got 1 out of 5 messagfes from jason that are text b.c the suck sucks and my phone is in analog until i hit the lunch room next period. yeah go school. it so freaking cold in this shcool. hwy must they insist on making this school a freszzer just b.c they have ac??? hello everyone is freezing its like winter with out the snow, jsut the cold. grr. yeah i havnt updated sorry about that i haveupdated my lj adn my myspace alot though. but when i am at school i will update this with anyways toady has been boring as you can tell. Tomarrow is senior skip day so that should be fun tring tro convince my parents to let me skip tomarrow. hopefully they will. i am goign to visit IUP on friday adn then maybe spend the night at La Roche with steph. that would be aweosme to spend the weekend up there with her and everyone. hmmm... that would be nice to go up to la roche and be over night. I had a good time last time i went up to see her adn hopefully it will be the same. the people there are so nice. i am hopeing some of the same people are there. To bad that college dosnt have my major in it owell. i really like mercy hurst i really really want to go there and get accepted. gah i cant wait to get my SAT scores back so i can see if i am even able to apply to that college. i hope so. i really love thast college jsut b.c of the beauty adn soem of the programs but mainly b.c of the beuaty adn the feeling i get when i am there it reminds me of the UK and i love that. there library is MASSIVE it totally rocks. I really really hope i get in to mercyhurst. its near earie, erie is the 3rd largest city in pa other then philly adn pitts. the college is small, beutiful, and it has my spec. major plus i can go to NY for a year or a semester adn study hardcore at one of the best schools in NYC for fashion merhcindising adn marketing. gah so much time to wait. ok lunch is out time to goget the rest of the jaosn text and go to lunch later.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

i strongly dislike my parents why do they have to be so damn over protect ive for christ sake? screw it they said no. maybe next time you can go mom siad. yeah when when im 20something?
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